Do you know which are the most popular marble statues for sale online? We all know that marble is very suitable for carving because of its unique flexibility, and marble statues have a certain brilliance after polishing. Therefore, marble is often the first choice for sculptors to show off their skills. Marble statue has also been loved by many people. Today we will introduce 6 popular marble statues to you.

1. Venus de Milo
In 1820, on the Aegean island of Milos, a farmer unearthed what would become known as the Venus de Milo while excavating marble blocks. The statue was touted by the Louvre’s keepers as the greatest classical find of its time. The Venus of Milo is a 2.4-meter-tall statue of a Greek goddess, most likely Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Throughout the 20th century, the Venus de Milo became the ultimate icon of Greek art, which is also due to the fact that the statue is housed in the Louvre in Paris, one of the most famous museums in the world.

2. Poseidon
Poseidon is one of the twelve Olympian gods in ancient Greek religion and mythology, in charge of seas, storms, earthquakes, and war horses. In Athens, he was second only to Athena in importance, while in Corinth and many cities of Magna Graecia he was the chief god of the city-state. On his good side, Poseidon is credited with creating new islands and providing calm seas. So many people respect and love this sea god, especially sailors and sailors.

3. Four Seasons Goddesses
The names of these four goddesses are Eiar, the goddess of spring, Theros, the goddess of summer, Phthinoporon, the goddess of autumn, and Kheimon, the goddess of winter. The four different goddesses represent the changing of the four seasons and have a sacred meaning. At the same time, the statue of the goddess of the four seasons can make people feel the changes of the four seasons. The statues of the goddesses of the four seasons have different shapes, full expressions, and elegant postures, making people feel that life is like four seasons and experience various challenges.

4. Laocoon and His Sons
Laocoon and Sons, also known as the Group of Laocoon, is a marble statue from the Hellenistic period (323 BC – 31 AD) now in the Vatican Museums. It shows the scene of the Trojan priest Laocoon and his sons being entangled by sea serpents to death. The Laocoons displayed an interest in realistic depictions of movement, emblematic of Hellenistic art. The discovery of the Laocoon statue had a major impact on Italian sculptors and the course of the Italian Renaissance. Such Greek marble statues’ realistic control of details deeply influenced Michelangelo’s later works.

5. David of Michelangelo
The David statue is one of the famous marble statues of Michelangelo in the Renaissance era, carved from 1501 to 1504. The statue is a standing male nude carved from white marble. The statue of David symbolizes the city of Florence, a symbol of independence and strength, and is a perfect image of youth and beauty. Michelangelo’s David was given new meaning shortly after its creation, both as a symbol of the Renaissance and as a representation of the city itself. The statute is considered the best form of art. The sculptural image exists in the stone, just as the human soul exists in the body. David is considered a masterpiece, the ideal male figure combining heroic strength and human uncertainty.

6. Pietà
Pietà means “mercy” or “sympathy,” and represents Mary gazing sadly at the dead body of her son in her lap. The statue, the only work signed by Michelangelo, is now enshrined in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City. This interpretation of the Pieta was unprecedented in Italian statues because it balanced Renaissance ideals of classical beauty with naturalism. The structure of the statue is in the shape of a pyramid, the apex of which coincides with Mary’s head. The statue tapers out along the drapery of Mary’s gown to the base of Calvary Rock. Most of Mary’s body is covered by her huge clothes, and the relationship between the characters seems very natural.

Mily factory has decades of experience in the production of marble statues. The marble statues for sale on Mily official website have different types and styles. We have made all the six popular marble statues introduced above, and have received unanimous praise from customers. If you are interested in these statues or want to customize statues, please contact us.